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therapeutic diet中文是什么意思

用"therapeutic diet"造句"therapeutic diet"怎么读"therapeutic diet" in a sentence


  • 食饵疗法饲料


  • The diet of elders with diabetes , hypertension or other chronic illnesses should follow the principles of the corresponding therapeutic diet
  • The diet of elders with diabetes , hypertension or other chronic illnesses should follow the principles of the corresponding therapeutic diet
  • Overnutrition can result from overeating ; insufficient exercise ; overprescription of therapeutic diets , including parenteral nutrition ; excess intake of vitamins , particularly pyridoxine ( vitamin b6 ) , niacin , and vitamins a and d ; and excess intake of trace minerals
    营养过剩可由摄食过度、缺少锻炼、治疗膳食摄入过度(包括胃肠外营养) 、过量摄入维生素,尤其是吡哆醇(维生素b6 ) 、尼克酸和维生素a和d 、以及微量元素摄入过多所致。
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